
Showing posts from December, 2017

#1, Introduction, the first two meaures of Ravel's Pavane for a dead princess

Welcome to Ghost Notes, a music writing tutorial and free service for songwriters everywhere!      Let's create a minimalist exercise along the lines of those found in William Russo's "Composing Music," and limit our note selection to just what's found in the first two measures of Maurice Ravel's "Pavane pour une infante defunte."      For now, get to know the first two measures. We'll explore tonality, chord selection, harmony and melody later. If you're singing or playing an instrument that doesn't allow for chords, sing and/or play the notes.  Please note: As we move forward, the notes we work with may or may not be the notes you'd select, and very much may avoid the melody. We're after notes to work with, and not necessarily the melody of any given song. Sometimes, in order to explore a relationship notes have with each other, we might necessarily need to avoid anything melodic.    ...